The following are selected examples of work experience that Mr. Reash has had with regulatory agencies:
Development of Water Quality Standards for the Ohio River, in conjunction with the Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission (ORSANCO), 1988 - 2019.
Member of Ohio EPA Nutrient Strategy Point-Source Workgroup, 2012 - 2014.
External Peer Reviewer, US EPA Science Advisory Board Panel Assessment of Nationally-Recommended Aquatic Life Criteria, 2005.
External Peer Reviewer for US EPA's "Draft Revised Aquatic Life Criteria for Selenium", 2002.
External Peer Group Member, ORSANCO Revision of Ambient Aquatic Life Temperature Criteria, 2001 - 2006.
External Peer Group Member, ORSANCO Biological Criteria Development Advisory Committee, 1997 - 2002.